Sunday, March 3, 2013

To my Independent Women!

Ephesians 5:22
Wivessubmit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

I started with this verse for a particular reason. I can only speak from my life experiences and pray that they can bless you. 
  In today's society it shown that us women are to stand up and be independent. There is nothing wrong with being independent. Don't mistake what I'm about to say. But we are the Priestess' of our homes. If we are married we are to SUBMIT to our husbands. We are not to unequally yoked with an unbeliever (2 Corinthians 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? )
I was raised up to be independent. I'm stubborn; hardheaded; rebellious; mouthy...and i could go on and on. But I didn't really learn anything til divorce was at my doorstep. I didn't understand why I should submit to my husband when HE wasn't being the Priest in our home. I got tired and I got mad and eventually cheated in my heart. I thought about it time and time again. I went to church. I praised God in my sin and  I wanted so much for my home to be blessed. i wanted that baby. I wanted that happy little christian family. I didn't get it. My marriage in the beginning wasn't blessed or ordained by God. I messed up. I thought the only way to keep a man right off the bat was to sleep with him. SHAME ON ME! I know the word. I know what it says about fornication. I know that someone that commits adultery and/or fornication are not getting into heaven. thats in the word. So for my independent woman i ask you: What kind of example are we being in our homes? I know i wasn't doing all that i could for God. I stopped singing. I stopped praising Him thru my storms. I stopped praising him when things when wrong. I stopped trusting him and started standing with the Devil. thats not the kind of woman I want to be. I want to be a woman of integrity. I want to be the woman whose actions speak louder than her words. I want my home to be blessed. Even if it is only me in it. I don't want people to show up at my house at 5 am drunk and needing a place to stay. I want them to be home getting their lives right. I am now bound for the military. I did a compulsive thing. I did it and now i'm in and i'm pushing harder and persevering more than i have ever persevered in my life. I've lost the weight. I know the creeds. I know what to do and how to think on my feet. I did it. Because i've lost most everything that I've held dear in this world. 
Many of you are probably thinking whats the point to this... my point is this. We have become woman of the world thinking that material things are everything. We want the shoes; the bags; the name brand everything's that really mean nothing. In some ways when I dated my husband I was blessed because we had nothing. We did things to make memories that I will never be able to forget. But we did them together and we loved each other with nothing. I ask you this: if you husband; boyfriend; significant other were broke would you still be with them? If they couldn't provide for you the things YOU "wanted" would you still be with them? I can answer yes because that's when I fell in love. But I also learned that if i don't stay prayed up and in the word daily that I will not be blessed and i will not be going to heaven.
I stand now and always a woman of the Military; A daughter of a Mighty King and a woman of Integrity. What kind of woman do you want to be?
So my challenge to you ladies is this:
Watch what you say around your children!
Submit to your husbands (as long as he is in the will of God)
Be a woman of character and integrity
and ask yourself...if my man has nothing would i stay?

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