It's been a little while since I've taken the time to write. So many things have been going on and so many feelings have just been blown out of proportion. I'm finding my way. Thats the first step for me. I've found a new love in my heart and a new drive that I need to start with me and fixing whats wrong with me before i can even begin to be effective for God. I'm not saying that i have to be perfect because lets one is. And those who think they are perfect just haven't even begun to live. It's one step at a time and no matter how many times we crash our car from looking in the rear view mirror of what was it's not what is going to be.
Today at bible study we talked about running the race. Now running in the sense that we have to win isn't what i'm talking about. Every one of us has a plan and purpose for God. We first have to believe that we are SOMEBODY. Even if the world thinks we are a NOBODY. God sees our hurts, pains, joys, love, hates...etc. It's a never ending saga of what God does see in us. The path has already been set before us. Now we have to finish the race. Being a christian isn't always easy. in fact it's hard. Hard because we are the light to the world as long as we are living the life that God has intended us to live. We have to take the steps and do what we need to do for God first, than everything else will follow.
So i'm standing here, praising God even though my storm is raging all around me. My focus is on him completely!