I thought that yesterday was an absolutely horrible day. but i was so wrong. I was so blessed by all the people i know and the people i don't know that have been so encouraging. It was just one of those days where i would have just liked to crawl into a hole and disappear. But in reality that wouldn't have solved anything. My heart was panicked and my mind was just all kinds of jacked up. So I started packing i have most of my stuff from the house packed up and my clothes in bags. And I've been so wrapped up in God that i don't even notice that i haven't really been missing him. I know that sounds funny or strange or a constant change from what my norm is. Life isn't measured by how many breaths we take but how many moments take our breath away. This was just another one of those days. It's a positive change for me to know that i'll make it just fine on my own. It makes me not trust men, but i know that will come with time. I know that God will provide someone so special for me and I just have to be patient. Take care of be and do nothing about it until God tells me it's time. :)
So even though it's raining outside find the joy inside...go dance in the rain. Curl up with a good book. cook til your hearts content and make sure that if you do love someone you tell/show them :)
Have a blessed day ya'll
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