Saturday, November 12, 2011

Holding onto a promise

Hebrews 10:23 reads ' Let us old tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise'

This was the new verse of the day for me. With all that is going on in my life theres a moment when i need confirmation that He is still listening. No i'm not saying that i don't believe that he's there and that he's working, it's just a matter of hey there's hope for tomorrow even when today truly doesn't make sense. I've realized that when i say something and people take offense to it and it's not anything that should be taken offense to that its just a sign that God is moving in that person. I am one person. There's not one thing that God can or won't do to make this life more bearable. He will never give us more than we can handle. At this point my life is amazing. I love my job, love the people i'm living with and standing on Gods Cornerstone that he's created for me. Yes there are more times that not that i want to feed my flesh and in some ways i still do. However, if he can deliver me from those ways of sin than i know that he will find a way to keep me from those ways of sin. Just like Satan tempting Job. He took everything from him. his family, his fortune, his friends...everything that could be held dear to us was gone. And yet while the storm was raging around Job HE still PRAISED GOD FOR EVERYTHING!

My challenge is to stand on the promise gave you. Believe that God is going to do it because he is able. Now if it's a wish for riches and fame thats not likely to happen. God doesn't want us to be of the world so we have to step back and figure out what He wants us to do. But For a healing...claim it and believe that it's been done. for restoration/ reconciliation... have faith and know that he's God and all things are possible through Christ. Every moment of every life you can find something that will bless you. It's only a matter of if we can see it.
God is great, but his holy spirit and blessings are so much greater than we can even imagine. So stand on the promise God has presented to you. If it's something that is worldly rethink you choice. God blesses the faithful.
Be strong my brothers and sisters. God is moving!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A sudden memory

For the love of my Savior, i stand in awe and the wonderous signs he's given me. I give him thanks for what twists and turns my life has had and is still going to have. There is a song in me that is still welling up inside. I sang my heart out last night. I was so tired when i got done that i was sweating. Isn't that how we are suppose to praise God. We are suppose to be warn out and tired every time we do. We go to the club and give it our all...why can't we give God our all? I can actually answer that one. When we are trusting what we can't see we dont believe that he is there. It's like at the club your with a bunch of strangers you don't know and they are there so we have to do our best. We have to try every move we have to make sure that God is paying attention to us. but in reality He's always there. He's never left us. Even when we walk away. There's a song that i have discovered that simply states " No matter what we're going thru what have to learn to bring our praise..." Amazing at how many times we stand at attention at the door and don't want to know. Matthew 7:7 states- ask and you shall receive, seek ye shall find, knock and the door will be opened unto you...
So i ask how come we aren't asking seeking and knocking? This is a hard lesson that i had to learn this week myself. I let the devil get the best of me. Yep i said it. The Devil Got The Best Of ME! with everything that was within me i kicked the person that i love the most and brought him down. I keep having visions. I don't know if they are from God i don't think that they are but my whole world stopped when the man I love the most, filled me with love and compassion. I don't know how to act now. I was so convicted so stupid that i was the one that had fallen off the cornerstone that i have been standing one. I burned the rest of the bridge that was before me. I ruined everything again! My tounge got the best of me and somehow my mind ran off with me as well.
I walked into church yesterday after working 10 hrs at the child development center, and i was so tired. I couldn't wait to get home in fact by the end of things i was falling asleep in the door way. i walked into church that there is this weight that comes over me. I'm not sure what it's suppose to mean but my heart gets super heavy like theres stones place within it. Although i had met someone who is pretty amazing i don't know where i'm leading my heart. Instead of being what i was and jumping into bed with this person i'm waiting to see what he truly wants. And so far, things are not in his favor. I'm running around wondering what i need to do and God is putting me closer and closer to Jesus and himself. So i'm just standing my ground I want to be like Esther...When there was something that she needed to stand for, she found a way to do it.And now, i'm the one that is going to e able to be the vistor in all things. God is making a way.

So today based on Matthew 7:7
my challenege is Ask God for help, Seek Him out to find the answers, Knock and God will provide a door for you to walk thru!

Be blessed ya'll!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Letting the storm consume you...

Ok so I'm guilty! Yesterday I spent the day completely convicted by God. Why? Because I was being hateful and the devil was havin a good ride! I spent more of my day hating myself and my actions than actually enjoying God's how we turned it around. I called my amazing sister in Christ Marlene, and she started prayin. The thing about it is she was right. I needed to hear what I had to deal with even though I didn't like it. God had convicted my heart so bad that my clouded mind couldn't make sense of anything. Than she gave me the verse Isaiah 2:22 which reads

"Don’t put your trust in mere humans.

They are as frail as breath.

What good are they?"

This is when I realized I wasn't truly seeking Gods will but Netty's will and want! Yes I can bless and heal but I have to look past the humans! I have to look past my fellow man and look up to my heavenly Daddy! When I read what I read it was covered in love. And it convicted my heart to the point I coulnt look myself in the mirror. I couldn't stand the sight of my reflection. But let me tell you. Once my judgement was cleared, and my mind at ease, I reread what was said. What a world of difference. My heart had deceived me. What I needed to see was this: there was love, hurt, lies and false accusations from God. All things that I had done in one poisoning way. And it was returned with love, blessings, reassurance, hurt, and pain. I felt that this person didn't love me. And in return they have been more kind and loving in the last few minutes to put me in my place again. Wow! God wasn't messing around today. He loves me so much that he made someone I was trying to make an enemy an example that at first I didn't truly see. But now I can see clearly! God plucked me out of the storm so many times and I still want to run. But today is the day that I truly stand! I want the narrow way that leads to everlasting life! So that is what I am striving for!

No challenge right now, but there will be soon! ;) be ready!

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Obedience and Faith

I've learned that i'm having a hard time being obedient to God. When i get a little stressed out i have to go buy a pack of cigarettes and use them as a crutch to deal with whatever is stressing me for the moment than i end up smoking the whole pack in one day. Yes, thats my way of dealing with stress. I've also learned that now that i'm walking with God that i'm blessed at every turn of my head. There are people that care so much about me that they are willing to help no matter what i need. God has shown me that being obedient to his word that he is going to keep blessing me. I don't know why and i don't know how long it will happen but i know that God is a way maker and at every moment of my life i am finding new ways to fall in love with God. I haven't talked to adam in 4 days. He has been given an ultimatum and he's living with the choice he made. Until he can see that it's not Gods will I am praying for him without ceasing. There are so many things in this world that are the devil. But i woke up this morning and i told the devil he is defeated. I stood my ground. I will not back down to a defeated foe! I will not give up on the promises that God has for me. He is my everything! So today i stand by faith and i stand in obedience that God will provide everything i need!
So i challenge you all to have faith in God and be obedient to his word! God is amazing! Let him in your life!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Stranded in the background

So oday i haven't read the bible but i did watch Tyler Perry's I can do bad all by myself. And really i think it's a total kick in the face. I'm not exactly sure what i've learned this time around but i definetly know that there are many things in my life that i still need to straighten out. I know that there are still some hard things that i'm going to have to encounter on this mountain that i'm climbing. My heart hurts so bad and i'm so tired about everything that has happened up until this point. Im also finding that i'm taking refuge in smoking. Its something that takes my mind off of the current situation and puts in the mindset that i can still do damage to myself without actually feeling like i am. And yet all the time i'm sitting here thinking well what has God to say about what i'm doing or not doing in my life... and theres a part of me that just doesn't want to know. Theres a part of me that just doesn't want to hear the truth about everything that i'm still doing wrong. The fact that i can't love Adam anymore. The fact that i have to let him go. Thats a whole lot easier said than done. And in my heart i feel like i shouldn't have to let him go. But as for right now i have to. I have to stand alone. He can't be the one i run to because he is choosing another life. He is choosing to be a shadow and a thought of what i once loved and held onto. Now i'm alone. I'm so terrified about being where i am at. I'm worried about what is going to happen on a minute to minute basis. I'm worried about how much i'm going to have to take in order to open my eyes to whats in front of me. I'm wonderfin how much time i'll have to wait. And when i do that i just think it's His will not My will. and frankly if it is his will then i need to continue to wait on him. Yes that sucks, and yes, i'm so scared. It's hard to admit that i have to be the light in the darkness when i don't know how to be in the background. I don't know how to step aside in my life and just let God have the control. Being the background is something i know that is going to be hard for me. Because i am a performer. i stand in the front with everything and i make a point to bless people. But now in my own life i'm standing in the background and watching the events unfold. It's time to just being in the background. Just to be a sounding board. it's time to be! And thankfully with God's help i won't have to be alone because God is standing right beside me.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Seeing the Sunlight thru the clouds

Well its been a few days since I've updated. This past week I spent it in Charleston on job training. God is good. My roommate was phenomenal. She was so kind and funny. Just good people. So much has happened. My new car broke down and I almost got stranded down there. Turns out my transmission is dead. But in the process God has blessed me with meeting some of the most amazing people in the world. People have helped me continuously and have been there for me. Now while the devil has been effecting my husband called me...your a Jobette. For those of you who don't know in the bible there the book of Job. Job was an upstanding christian who was continually bragged about to satan by God. Wanna know about perserverance read Job! But the devils been trying to take my life away. He working on my cornerstone. I know that when I put my feet on the ground the ground trembles because I wake up praising God. I wake up knowing the devil is defeated. As the sun rose this morning. I was just getting into bed. I couldn't sleep last night. My heart was so sad. My roomate is moving to Pittsburgh. So I'm moving to. And I think the fact that he is moving saddens my heart. So I'm just praying for him. God I blessing him so I'm standing by and supporting him.
Todays challenge is enjoy te sunshine. Be the light in the darkness to someone. Be there. You never know about tomorrow.
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Monday, October 17, 2011

Everything to me

I was sitting on the back porch listening to a song by Avalon called Everything to me. Im not sure where the song orginated but the words are so powerful. My heart is so sad here in the last week. Its like no matter how hard i try to keep my cool im kinda coming unglued. I have a drive now that i am to do everything for God. My husband and I are really not on good terms and i miss him tremendously. Theres not a moment that goes by that i dont pray for him. Pray without ceasing. As for finding im seeking this stupi addiction this parasite bring me down. Yet at the same time im feeling alone. Although i have a series of prayer warriors behind me and arelifting me up in prayer im still working on picking up my cross daily. The last week the cross im carrying has been so heavy that i just want to walk away. Im still being faithful but the devil is working so hard at my heart. Hes got me wishing and wantin wat God is telling me to wait on. As i look at my far i dont have a legacy to give to my children when i have them. I want to be able to say that being of the world is the sure way to hell. I want to tell them that i will fast and pray for them even though they are not born. I want t be sure that i can be a good mother and keep them prayed up at all times. Right now its me and God against the world. And right now im the one thats falling. And still hes pickingme up. Hes holding my hand and carrying me thru these troubled times.
Keep praying. Keep seeking God. Keep studying the word. God is good. All the time. All the time. My God is good.
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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Love is Faithful

As part of everything going on in my life, I've learned to be faithful. I'm a faithful wife (now) I'm a faithful friend. I'm a faithful daughter to God...all that there is to be faithful to comes with a large amount of loyalty. Even when we don't think that we can be anymore faithful, I'm finding new ways to do so. I've decided id like to be the sole provider for my home. I don't want to see my husband go to a job he can't stand. Id much rather him help those whom have been good to us and serve the Lord. Taking care of others is so uplifting. Its rewarding within itself. All the joy that comes from helping I glorified in God as long as we are glorifying the right way. Sometimes we tend to toot our own horns. I've found that when and ifi toot my own horn I'm a guilty mess. Faith is the key that unlocks the door.
Are we faithful enough?
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Friday, October 14, 2011

inspiring friend!

The best kind of praise is the praise that comes from a broken heart. No one can sing our hallelujahs! No one can take our blessings. My friend Marlene is a living inspiring testimony. She is currently overweight and we areworking together to get her healthy. She went to zumba with me last night. She so amazing. I was worried she sit outb theb whole time. She kept up! No this isnt because i had doubt in her. I didnt want her to push herself to the point of hurting herself. She stuck it out and felt amazing! It brings so much joy to my heart that i can help be a strong tower. The reason im talking about inspiration right now is because we all need to be inspired. We all need that someone to look up to. This amazing friend of min has been put thru the ringer time and time again. Yet, no matter what the circumstances, she still praises God. Her inspiration comes from theb foot of the cross, and i just thank God that he has kept her in my life. She has become an inspiring force in my life.
So today ask yourself...what inspires me to keep going? If its a wordly thing be careful. Treasures on earth are temporary. If its Godly, then pray that it stays Godly. I encourag you to look into your heart an.d find inspiration!
Be blessed ya'll
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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Affliction and Addiction

Psalm 31:1-24 NIV

In you, Lord, I have taken refuge;
let me never be put to shame;
deliver me in your righteousness. Turn your ear to me,
come quickly to my rescue;
be my rock of refuge,
a strong fortress to save me. Since you are my rock and my fortress,
for the sake of your name lead and guide me. Keep me free from the trap that is set for me,
for you are my refuge. Into your hands I commit my spirit;
deliver me, Lord, my faithful God. I hate those who cling to worthless idols;
as for me, I trust in the Lord. I will be glad and rejoice in your love,
for you saw my affliction
and knew the anguish of my soul. You have not given me into the hands of the enemy
but have set my feet in a spacious place. Be merciful to me, Lord, for I am in distress;
my eyes grow weak with sorrow,
my soul and body with grief. My life is consumed by anguish
and my years by groaning;
my strength fails because of my affliction,
and my bones grow weak. Because of all my enemies,
I am the utter contempt of my neighbors
and an object of dread to my closest friends—
those who see me on the street flee from me. I am forgotten as though I were dead;
I have become like broken pottery. For I hear many whispering,
"Terror on every side!"
They conspire against me
and plot to take my life. But I trust in you, Lord;
I say, "You are my God." My times are in your hands;
deliver me from the hands of my enemies,
from those who pursue me. Let your face shine on your servant;
save me in your unfailing love. Let me not be put to shame, Lord,
for I have cried out to you;
but let the wicked be put to shame
and be silent in the realm of the dead. Let their lying lips be silenced,
for with pride and contempt
they speak arrogantly against the righteous. How abundant are the good things
that you have stored up for those who fear you,
that you bestow in the sight of all,
on those who take refuge in you. In the shelter of your presence you hide them
from all human intrigues;
you keep them safe in your dwelling
from accusing tongues. Praise be to the Lord,
for he showed me the wonders of his love
when I was in a city under siege. In my alarm I said,
"I am cut off from your sight!"
Yet you heard my cry for mercy
when I called to you for help. Love the Lord, all his faithful people!
The Lord preserves those who are true to him,
but the proud he pays back in full. Be strong and take heart,
all you who hope in the Lord.

Affliction: is something that hinders you.
Addiction: is something we can't go without.

This morning I used Psalm 31. I chose this verse today because of the storm that is raging in my heart. I am the leader of my heart. I am in control of my emotions. Yet, I spend more time loving people who don't love me in return than I do anything else. The pain from this isn't too bad. However, it has caused way to a continuing addiction. In my pain I take refuge in smoking. God still has my heart but the fleshly humanly need for that nicotine fix drives me crazy! Sometimes I want to just cry my eyes out for smoking. I don't even like it. So here I am being afflicted and am resorting to an addiction I don't like. It sounds stupid but God is working on me hardcore. My heart has been changed completely. So much that I gave up the one thing/ person I care abouton this earth. He was hurting and I told him id stop being that love he needs. Ill be a friend and simply pray for him. I just kept praying for God to upset the foundation to show him he's the process I realized he loves her. So I started praying they can work itout. No matter how much pain we've had in our life...God can fix it. No one loves us as much as God. So I've handed my everything to God. Having nothing means that I have gained everything.
So on this chilly october morning pray for you addictions. Ask God to help you conquer them. Ask him to be your rock and salvation when the times get rough.
I'm praying for you all,

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Monday, October 10, 2011

Theres no place like home

Well since I haven't been doing these devotions in the last few days things have been crazy! I moved back to WV. I have been pulled over 2 times since I've been here. Its just a great big mess. And with me trying to savor the moment of being home I kinda stopped praying and reading the bible. Within my love dare however, it was about God interceding. I know that my husband needs prayer bad. However...I can only pray so much for him. He's got to be willing to get on his face and pray for himself! So I'm praying for an intervention in hislife so tha God will shake his crumbling foundation more to bring him back to the logical sense made God fearing man he used to be. So I guess the challenge today can be this...hope for the best in every situation you are in. God will bless you when you least expect it. Be strong and know that God is with you!
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Sunday, October 9, 2011

stand or fall

Stand for something or Fall for anything
When you hear a statement like: what do you stand for?...whats the first thing that comes to mind? I stand for... is the typical response. I had told my friend Patrick that i was reading the book of Esther. I was simply explaining how she stood up for her people when the head guard was going to pretty much annhilate all the Jews.
With that in mind what do we stand for? For those of us that are christians we want to believe we stand for God. That we are powerhouses and want people to think we never do wrong...yep we're a bunch of liars. Truth be told we fall on our faces daily and need a hand getting picked up
So the challenge today is to find what our purpose is. Ask God what is your purpose in my life and wait for a response. He will tell you in HIS own time. Thy will...not my will. Be patient. God will reveal his mystery when he knows your ready to hear it!
Be blessed!
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Thursday, October 6, 2011

the church

There's a song by Lecrae called The Bride.
This song is so amazing. Its talking about the community between Jesus an the church. Meaning the church isn't the building. The church is the people. Not how many believers it has but its the people in the church that make a church. No matter how beautiful the buildng, layout, alter...the church is the people. We can say that we are a church when we are all sinners. Thankfully, all have fallen short of the glory of God. We spend more time worrying about what the world wants than what God wants. No I'm saying all of us do I but at some point we are all guilty of it. We are all guilty of putting worldy things above God. For example: I am in the process of moving back to WV. I have to pack, get my car fixed, have breaks put on my car, shag balls for more money, clean the house...the list seems never ending. But I stopped and took the time to pray. I MADE time to pray. My soul was satisfied because I prayed. Its such an amazing feeling. Prayer is so powerful! I give all my worries to God. If I dwell on it than the devil gets the best of me. And here lately he's trying hard. I just finished a 10 day fast! I was fasting for the reconciling of my marriage. In the end God has blessed me. I love me. I know that sounds conceited but until I could love myself I couldn't truly love others. And I cry for others. This Lord and Savior we have is so amazing I don't know why more peple don't want to take the narrow road! Yes the path is laid in front of us and we have to willing come to God, yet, the result is so rewarding. Its such a blessin to people. I know its blessed me.
So today I challenge you to open your eyes to every action you make. Try not to swear, talk perverted, be open to suggestions, use our manners, and pray.
If you aren't a believer know that God is in everything. Seek him. He will change your life!

I'm praying for you all!
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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I was grappling with this verse today. Things were certainly all in an uproar and the devil was breaking me down. So i went to a place where it was mostly silent. Got on my face and cried. After talking to my friend Sarah i realized i was carrying the weight of whats going on. I found that im terrified to see my husband. Im terrified for the people i work for. Im terrified for my family. And i cried again. I felt like my heart was breaking. All of me was weepin for people i love some love was reciprocated and some was not. I know why Jesus was put on the cross and why he died. But my sin is that of a filthy rag. I do not deserve the grace love and mercy that God has given me. To love the Lord with all my heart that is picking up my cross daily. With all my mind is cutting out the impurities of te world. For example: video games, tv, shopping...etc... anything that can be an addiction. With all my soul is to pray! Pray when im driving, walking, eating...pray continuously. So im picking up my shattered heart and carrying my cross with Jesus helping me every step of the way!

Be strong for joy comes in the morning!
Be blessed!!!
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a blue skied morning

Psalm 130:1-8 NIV

Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord; Lord, hear my voice.
Let your ears be attentive
to my cry for mercy. If you, Lord, kept a record of sins,
Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness,
so that we can, with reverence, serve you. I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits,
and in his word I put my hope. I wait for the Lord
more than watchmen wait for the morning,
more than watchmen wait for the morning. Israel, put your hope in the Lord,
for with the Lord is unfailing love
and with him is full redemption. He himself will redeem Israel
from all their sins.

I decided to start with Psalm 130. Its so amazing the love God has for us. This morning the blue skies glistened outside. Yes, it was still chilly but drinking in the morning is intoxicating. We all fall short. Its inevitable. We all have our moments when we get nasty and jump down peoples throats and treat people like crap. I surely know ive had those moments. Over the last 48 hours my life has been in a whirlwind. So many things need to get done. So many things need packed. I cant keep up with everything. I used to get stressed out about these things but not anymore. Today is what you make of it. And i am staying prayed up and blessed! Psalm 130 talks about how we are not worthy of Gods mercy and his grace. Like the fig tree that bears no fruit. It is cut down and cast into the fire. WOAH. We are like that fig tree. We deserve to be cut down and cast into the fire but God wont put us there. He loves us so much that he patiently waits for us to come to him. That is so amazing. We deserve death but in him he gives us new life.
So today i challenge you: pray! Prayer is the key to turning our lives around. Ask God into your heart. Seek his face. Knock kindly on the door and see what God has planned for you!
Blessings to all :)'>Psalm 130:1-8 NIV

Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord; Lord, hear my voice.
Let your ears be attentive
to my cry for mercy. If you, Lord, kept a record of sins,
Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness,
so that we can, with reverence, serve you. I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits,
and in his word I put my hope. I wait for the Lord
more than watchmen wait for the morning,
more than watchmen wait for the morning. Israel, put your hope in the Lord,
for with the Lord is unfailing love
and with him is full redemption. He himself will redeem Israel
from all their sins.

I decided to start with Psalm 130. Its so amazing the love God has for us. This morning the blue skies glistened outside. Yes, it was still chilly but drinking in the morning is intoxicating. We all fall short. Its inevitable. We all have our moments when we get nasty and jump down peoples throats and treat people like crap. I surely know ive had those moments. Over the last 48 hours my life has been in a whirlwind. So many things need to get done. So many things need packed. I cant keep up with everything. I used to get stressed out about these things but not anymore. Today is what you make of it. And i am staying prayed up and blessed! Psalm 130 talks about how we are not worthy of Gods mercy and his grace. Like the fig tree that bears no fruit. It is cut down and cast into the fire. WOAH. We are like that fig tree. We deserve to be cut down and cast into the fire but God wont put us there. He loves us so much that he patiently waits for us to come to him. That is so amazing. We deserve death but in him he gives us new life.
So today i challenge you: pray! Prayer is the key to turning our lives around. Ask God into your heart. Seek his face. Knock kindly on the door and see what God has planned for you!
Blessings to all :)
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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

An Amazing Tuesday Morning

The closer I get to God the more apparent it is that He is now a majore partb of my life. Every morning I wake up and thank Him for everything he's done and what he's still doing! Have faith the size of a mustard seed and you can move mountains! Todays challenge is much do we rely in on God? Do we have enoug faith that we can move mountains?
Think about it!

I'm praying blessings on everyone!
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Monday, October 3, 2011

At a Glance

At a glance

How come never seem to be how they appear? Happiness is relative to everything else in the world and yet we still strive to be happy. I was listening to sad love today...big mistake. Although the music is reflective of past expriences it makes us dwell in what was instead of what is.
It makes me think of the book in the bible Song of Solomon ( song of songs in some versions) where God is telling us how he feels about the church his bride. Its a beautiful poem of talking to the church as his soon to be bride. If love really and truly isnt this mind numbing task why dont more people love? I know ive loved plenty and been love by plenty but ive also hurt many who loved me but i didnt feel the same. We often forget that deep in love feeling. We forget how to love because we dont neccessarily love ourselves. Ive learned a deeper love over the past few weeks a love for my husband. It runs deeper for family and friends. Jesus is love. Yes so cliche' but he is. His love for us shows us how to love others unconditionally and without fault. Yes we are still all sinners, yet its a new found gratification we can give one to the other. So its time for us to stop listening to sad love songs and thank God for the people we love know have loved in the past and be anxious for the love we will find feel experience in the future. Love each other unconditionally like Jesus loved us.

Good Morning Monday

Hey Ya'll. How re you on this cool Monday morning? I hope all of your are blessed. I was awaken about 5:45 this morning so I read the book of Ephesians. Its an interesting book to say the least. Its about Paul writing to the people of Ephesus and telling them in a letter what and how they are to becme better christians and follow Christ. The part of this book to me that is so fascinatin is the part where it says put on the full armor of God. Ephesians 6: 10-20 reads
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people. Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.

The long and short of all this is be an upright standing citizen. Do what is rightwheever you are being watched and when you aren't. For God is always watching. Be vigilant in the Lord for he is the one who will take care of you. He's the one who holds our tears in his hand and counts them. I wrestled with this, this morning because in 5 days time I move back to WV. That is where my husband resides. I haven't seen him in 2 months. Everything that can come against me now coming ganst me. But I ask you: if our God is for us than who can stop us? If our God I with us than who can stand against? Jesus died on calvary to save a sinner like me. Yes I sin like everyone lse in the world. But now I consider myself blessed. The day has just begun and I'm excited to see what God has in store for me. I'm excited to put my feet on the floor so that the devil knowsim awake. I'm excited to get up and pray and get on my knees to worship God. This transformation was inward. Some people close to me have seen it and don't understand what's happened to me. Others think that this is just a phase to win back what I've lost. Well I've got news for you doubters: this is the new Netty! If you don't like her than you never knew her to begin with. I am completely in love with who I am. I am walking in stride with God and there is not a thing in the world I would sacrifice to lose God in my life again. I've been in the dark cold and alone. I've been used ad abused. I've done drugs and drank my fair share. I have tattoos and piercings. I was suicdal. And if it weren't by the grace of God I would have been dead a long time ago. Thank God orprayr and people who care about me praying! Those prayers kept me from making a temporary problem a permanent solution! The storm is ragin about me and I'm so glad that God has calmed his child. I put on my full armor of God and I am living proof that a transformation can take place!
For now: read ephesians 6:10-20 I provided it above if you don't have a bible. And ask yourself can I improve my life by putting on the full armor of God? Do I have the faith to be a follower? Have I gotten on my knees and prayed and thanked God for my troubles and for th breath in my body?
Think long an hard. Being a christian is a lifestyle in not just a commitment. You have to believe in what you can't see,what you can't explain, and what is truly the most scary yet, rewarding life we as humans can have.

With love I leave you,

If you have any questions email me:

Sunday, October 2, 2011

a pack of cigarettes

So i went out and bought another pack of cigarettes. Im not exactly sure why...i dont even really like smoking. Smoking just makes things simpler for a moment than it comes back to bite you in the butt. I was thinking about what i want to stand i want to be someone like everyone else or do i wana stand for so much more. I was sitting up at the park and listening to music. I got peace like a river played through my headphones and slowly the trees swayed and dance in the wind whilst the sun rays glistened on the leaves inbetween the clouds. God has been such an anchor in my life i have no reason to be mad or upset. Given the situation with my husband i am in Gods hands and i am ok with the direction and plans HE has for my life. Marriage is an amazing experience that i pray works for Gods plan for me. However, when the decision is made i am satisfied with whatever God has planned. :)
God Bless ya'll!
~ Netty Jean

A New Inspiration in Christ Jesus

Over the last 5 weeks there has been a complete transformation in my life.  though i am still on the brink of a divorce i have found refuge and solice in Jesus Christ our Lord and savior.  From being almost taken advantage of to suicide and every emotion in btween. Ive been angry Jjealous,hateful, hurt, lonesome, disrespected and lied to. all these futile emotions i dont feel anymore. thee is such peace in my heart and hope in what Gods plan is for me.I dont get mad nymore. my chains to man truly have been severed and i am a new creation. so now i dedicate this blog to my newness in Christ that i may reflect and inspire people to have hope that tomorrow may not come so live as best you can for today. because if all we have is today than what can we say we lived for? have we loved another? have we cared? did we bless somene and make a positive impact on their life? i challenge everyone to do something good for someone everyday and do it out of unconditionally loving them...yes i know some days are bad but everyday is what we make it. so what will you make of today?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

days 2 and 3

yesterday was rough. i spent a lot of it reflecting on pictures and good times ith adm. i dont know. i know the song in my heart. but i miss my wv. i hope i can get thru this

Saturday, August 13, 2011

the great start

Well, i had a little bit of a compulsive streak. To start my day one off, i got a tattoo. yes a little bit different but ive already lost 30 lbs and i just want to be me. adam hasnt told me whether he likes it or not ( adam is my husband). Yet either way im not sure that at this point i care. i know why hes doing what hes doing but if he still wants me to be his than he needs to step up and be my man.
on another note: dealing with the emotional things, im ok. im better now that im writing more. im living more! its just the beginning of netty style!